There will be a Music Dept. meeting this Friday at 3 in the music room. All Band, Choir, and Music Ministry students are invited to attend. There will be snacks and refreshments!
Friday, January 13th is a $2.00 Dress Down Day to benefit the Scholarship Fund. Please no holes in your jeans, and school appropriate shirts which means no crop tops. Exact change only and no coins allowed!
Any NHS student who is interested in being a tutor for after school tutoring is welcome to attend the training this afternoon in Lab 4 of the Media Center. Snacks will be provided along with 30 minutes of earned service hour time.
Also, NHS after school tutoring will resume on Tuesday, January 17th. It will take place in Lab 4 of the Media Center. There are tutors in all subject areas. This is a great opportunity to get some extra support/practice as we begin the new semester. You don't need to sign up, just come in and we'll match you with a great tutor! Look for tutoring dates in the weekly BFC updates along with posters in the hallways.