Got any plans for the weekend? No? Well, we have just the thing for you! The Drama Ensemble will be putting on "The Taming of the Shrew" this Friday and Saturday at 7pm right here at Foley. The cost is only $5 for students. Come on in for some laughs, we hope to see you there!
St. Lawrence is looking for volunteers to help with their Rake and Run event this Saturday from 10am- 3pm. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Baumgartner
If you like the musical "Newsies" have we got news for you! The musical this year IS "Newsies". If you want to be on stage, backstage or tech crew for the musical there will be an informational meeting that lets you know all the info about rehearsals and such AND how to try out to be on stage, Monday November 14, starting at 4:15 in the pit stage area. No prior experience is necessary, we hope to see you there!