Tomorrow, Tuesday we will not have mass but it is still a perfect uniform day
There is a Music Dept. meeting today at 3 in the music room. All Band, Choir, and Music Ministry students should plan to attend. We will be discussing many important items for next semester. Additionally, our officers are baking treats for you to decorate immediately following the meeting. See you later today!
The next culinary club meeting is tomorrow, TUESDAY the 13th at 3pm in the kitchen. You must sign up to attend - see the flyer outside of room 122 for details. See Miss Hughes with any questions.
The Next Medical Science Club meeting is TODAY at 3PM in room 120. See Mr Novajovsky with any questions - all are welcome to attend for some fun hands-on medical activities.
Student Council will be hosting a movie night this Friday at 7PM. The two holiday movies that will be shown are: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York and Polar Express.
Admission is a $5 toy donation for Bottomless Toy Chest. Concessions will also be available for an additional purchase.
Please bring something to sit on like a lawn chair, bean bag chair or sleeping bag! We look forward to you coming and relaxing before midterms exams.
NHS members,
The December Monthly Meeting will take place Wednesday, December 14th in the Fan Cave. Attendance will be taken at 7:30. Attendance is mandatory. A light breakfast will be provided.
Also remember to turn in a copy of your completed hours no later than Monday December 19th. They can be brought to Room 239 before school."