Monday, Sept 16, 2024
Monday, Sept 16, 2024
Spirit Day continues tomorrow with the dress down theme being Camouflage. Students are encouraged to wear camo patterns, including any color (it does not have to be green). NO political messages or references to weapons (knives, guns, etc.) should be advertised. NO face painting allowed! If you do not dress as specified by the theme, you are to be in regular uniform! Remember, the most spirited award is given to a student in each grade level who goes above and beyond with all spirit themes throughout the week. Students of each grade vote on the winner for their class. The winner is awarded a certificate and a small prize, so keep showing your school spirit!!
This Friday is our school-wide pep assembly, during which we will play some fun games that count toward the Spirit Point class totals. Ms. Jagow has sent out a Google Form to your email. Please fill out the form if you are interested in participating by the end of the school day today!
Attention Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Guest forms for Homecoming are available in the Main Office. Forms are due no later than 3pm this Wednesday NO EXCEPTIONS!
Do you like working on homework with a study buddy? Do you prefer to review your notes with another student? If you answered yes to either of these questions then come to PASS, Foley’s Peer Academic Support System this afternoon in the Media Center from 2:55-3:30pm. There is always a science teacher there, along with a NHS student or two in each of the subject areas. Those who come to PASS are more likely to pass their classes. Hope to see you later!
The first Student Ambassador meeting of the year will be tomorrow at 3:00 PM in the Media Center. All new and returning members of the program are invited to attend. Please see the email sent out by Mr. Tyle on September 11 for more information and contact him if you have any questions.
Do you like to read for fun? Do you like to talk to others about the books you've read? If so then the BFC Book Club is for you. Join us in Lab 4 of the Media on Thursday, September 19th from 7:20-7:45 am. Bring, or be prepared to share the book you enjoyed reading this summer. We'll discuss our summer reads, and select a book to read and discuss in October. Those who RSVP to Mrs. Osborn, will also enjoy some breakfast treats. Grab that book, grab a friend and join us for breakfast and lively discussion.
Sports Announcements for Monday, Sept 16, 2024
Catholic Athletes for Christ will have their first meeting of the year this Wednesday at 7:25AM in the fan cave. Cathletes is open to all student-athletes who participate in sports throughout the school year. Our first meeting will focus on what it means to be a Cathlete, as well as planning for our first service event in October. If you have any questions, please see Mr. McCormick.
Attention all male students: The Athletic Department is exploring the possibility of starting a boys' swim team here at BFC and would like your input. Please see the email from Mr. Tyle sent out on Friday, September 13 and complete the form if you are interested. Completing the form is not a commitment to join the team. Please contact Mr. Maltese if you have any questions.