Monday September 26, 2022
Do you want to earn more spirit points for your class? Spirit points are up for grabs by donating items to this year’s annual auction. Bring in gift cards, season tickets and other cool stuff to make a basket for the auction or even bring in a pre-made basket. All items are due this week and you can bring them into the donation table in the cafeteria before classes begin.. If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Schaublin in the media center.
Music Ministry starts today at 3 in the music room, NOT the chapel. We look forward to seeing all of our new and returning members!
Attention Choir Club: the call time for tonight has been adjusted to 6:15 in the music room! See you then.
Attention Seniors: The Purdue University virtual rep visit is on Tuesday, September 27th. Sign up for this presentation before noon on Monday by emailing
Attention Seniors: An admissions rep from Notre Dame University is visiting BFC on Wednesday, September 28th during 6th hour. Sign up for this presentation before Noon on Tuesday by emailing
Attention Upperclassmen: Homecoming Tickets for the Dance will be on sale from today, Monday, 9-26, to Thursday, 9-29 after school from 3-3:30pm. Tickets cost $15 a piece or $30 for a couple. PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE! TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD ON FRIDAY.
Guest Forms are due to the main office no later than Wednesday, 9-28 at 3PM. No Exceptions!
Attention All Students: this week is our last week of summer uniform. Starting Next week Monday, 10/3 students will need to be properly attired in required regular uniform items. Any uniform issues could result in consequences so please review the expectations and be ready for the change.
Tomorrow’s Spirit Point theme is COLOR WARS - dress up in your classes assigned color