Thursday, Jan 23, 2025
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025
Join us at 7:20 tomorrow morning, and every Friday, in the Chapel to pray the Rosary before classes begin. Contact Josie Malysz or Joey Maddock with any questions.
PASS will be taking place this afternoon in the media center from 2:55-3:30 pm. All are welcome to come in to work with a partner, do test corrections, or get clarification in academic areas. We hope to see you there!
Due to the cold weather days, BFC Book Club has been moved to Thursday, January 30th from 7:30-7:50 am in Lab 4 of the Media Center. We will be discussing the book GOD OF THE WOODS by Liz Moore. Breakfast snacks will be served.
Sports Announcements for Thursday, Jan 23, 2025
The Bowling teams competed over the weekend and Monday with the following results: Charlotte Ryan-Elbert, Regan Weir, Theresa Schudt, Jacey Thibodeau, and Thalia Martinez placed 12th to qualify in the Oakland County Bowling Championships. After completing their match round, they finished 11th place. Jacey Thibodeau placed 6th for her 597 series. Nolan Grems placed 12th for his 665 series. On Monday, the Bishop Foley Boys Bowling Team won their Catholic League match against Our Lady of the Lakes. Great bowling Foley Ventures!
The next Catholic Athletes for Christ meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 29th @ 7:20 AM in the Fan Cave. Mr. Caribardi will be talking about the importance of being true imitators of Christ, both on and off the field. All are welcome!
Good luck to the Wrestling team who host a Single Dual tonight vs. Cesar Chavez in the Fieldhouse at 6pm.