Thursday, October 5, 2023
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Your class needs your help to earn Spirit Points for your grade! At our Fall Pep Rally, we have four class competitions that YOU can participate in. Click on the link that's in your email. We will also have a separate class challenge during Homecoming Week. Gift Card Challenge! The class that brings the most total valued gift cards (cost) will win Spirit Points. For an added bonus, every $15 gift card you bring in, your name will be entered in a drawing to pie a staff member at the Pep Rally! Please look at posters and social media for more information!
Spirit Dress Update: - Juniors are currently leading, with the Seniors in a close second. Trailing them is the Freshmen and then Sophomores.
Today is the LAST DAY to purchase Homecoming Tickets! THERE WILL BE NO TICKET SALES TOMORROW. Tickets are $15 a piece (or $30 for a couple). Please bring exact change.
There is one more day to see your school spirit! The "Most Spirited Award" is given to one student in each grade that awards originality, creativity and overall appearance for each themed day. Voting will occur tomorrow during Homeroom. The winner will not only get a certificate but will also receive a $25 gift card!
After school Homework Help will be taking place in Lab 4 of the Media Center TODAY, after school from 2:55-3:30 pm. There is someone to help in every class along with a science teacher to answer your burning questions! Look forward to seeing you today!
The next culinary club meeting is Tuesday October 10th after school in the cafeteria. All are welcome to come by and cook with us - but you must sign up to attend by using the QR code outside room 122. Sign up by 3PM Monday to ensure there will be enough supplies for you. See Miss Hughes with any questions.
Dress Down every Friday will begin next Friday, October 13th. For $100.00, you will be able to dress down every Friday. See the flyers for more details. Please bring cash or check to Mrs. Augustyn or Mrs. Morris. Payments will be due by Wednesday, Oct. 11th.
Sports Announcements for Thursday, October 5, 2023
The next meeting for Catholic Athletes for Christ will take place on Tuesday, October 10th in the fan cave at 7:20 AM. All are welcome as we will be talking about some of our upcoming activities and events. Coffee and donuts will be provided! Please contact Coach Barnes or Mr. McCormick for more information.
Tonight at BFC the Junior and Senior girls face off in the Powderpuff game at 7:00pm. Wear gold for Juniors and black for Seniors
The (Thursday) Word of the week is Sesquipedalian - It means a person who uses long words or a tendency to use long words. -Mr. Nova